Set ID01 to Master
This programming command would be used in order to establish a hierarchy within the Manager (ID01)/Supervisor (ID02) code permissions.
When Set ID01 to Master is enabled:
ID02 cannot Delete ID01
ID02 cannot Disable ID01
ID02 Manager functions are removed from the System Menu. ID02 can ONLY:
Enroll New User
Delete One User
Enable User
Disable User
Change Code
Show Audit Trail
System Info
Show Clock Time
ID02 will no longer be a Dual Mode Override and will abide by Dual Mode rules, whereby ID02 must enter his code in conjunction with another valid user to open the lock.
Step 1: Press the Menu/OK button
Step 2: Using the ñ and ò, scroll to the System Menu and Press Menu/OK.
Step 3: The display will prompt you to enter a valid code. Enter either the Super Code (ID00) or the Manager Code (ID01). The “Select Menu” message will be displayed as follows:
Step 4: Scroll ñ to the menu selection “Set ID01 to Master” and Press OK.
The system will confirm that ID01 is now the Master Code.
To cancel this programming command, select “Set ID01 to Manager”, and the management menu will be restored to default for ID02.
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