Max. Door Open Time
This menu selection allows you to set the length of time a door can remain open. Once this time expires, the Entrypad will beep and the screen will display an alert message "Door Open Overtime" message. The max door open time can be set between 1 and 30 minutes.
With the integration of the junction box CB10A, an alert may be sent to your alarm panel when this violation occurs.
Step 1: | Press the Menu/OK button. |
Step 2: | Using the Up and Down arrow, scroll to the System Menu and Press OK. |
Step 3: | The display will prompt you to enter a valid code. Enter either the Super Code (ID00) or the Manager Code (ID01 or ID02). The “Select Menu” message will be displayed. |
Step 4: | Scroll up to the menu selection “Max. Door Open Time” and Press OK. |
Step 5: | You will be prompted to enter the maximum length of time the door can be opened, after which the LCD will report an alert indicating that the door opening has exceeded the allowable time limits - the lock will sound with an audible beep. |
Note: To disable or turn off this feature, Set the Max Door Open time to 00 min, in this menu.
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